Everything you need to know about PS6

14th Jan 2023

Everything you need to know about PS6

When we think about the Sony PlayStation video games brand, it's obvious that we're talking about one of the most successful gaming brands of all time. For some time now, Sony has been known for its console-making abilities and high-quality games on its platforms with. And this was only sometimes the case.
With all new consoles coming out every year and backward compatibility becoming a hot topic, we wanted to take a deeper look at everything you need to know about PlayStation 6 - from previous rumors to basic technical specifications.
The Sony PlayStation is one of the most successful brands in gaming history, having sold more than 100 million units to date. It's suffered two previous console generations (PS4 and PS3), but this time could be slightly different. Rumors suggest that Sony is planning to introduce the PlayStation 6 - which would be a very exciting development for both PlayStation fans and gamers alike!
Sony continues to evolve, and it's not just the Sony PlayStation Video Games we can expect in the future. Rumors suggest Sony is planning to introduce the PlayStation 6 — but what do we know about this rumored console?

PS6 Overview

The PlayStation 6 (PS6) is a home video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It is expected to be released in 2023.
It is going to be released in 2023, and it will be replacing the current PS5 gaming console. The PS6 has been under development for many years, and there have been many rumors about it. However, we have yet to learn much about this new console.
The console's updated hardware design will be more compact than previous iterations and support faster streaming speeds for content. The console is also expected to have an improved operating system, allowing developers to create higher-quality games with more complex graphics and animations.

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Release Date

Sony usually releases its consoles at a gap of five to seven years between releases. With a seven-year gap between the PlayStation 4 video games (2013), PlayStation 5 (2020) and Microsoft xbox games, Sony is planning to introduce one of the biggest product among its competitors in the video gaming industry.
Sony had to reduce a console's life cycle, previously almost 10 years, to six years due to technological advancements.
The PlayStation 6 will probably be released till 2026. However, a new variant of the PlayStation 5, such as the PlayStation 5 Slim or PlayStation 5 Pro, may be released in 2023 or 2024.


PS6 Specs and Hardware

The PlayStation 6 will be an even more powerful console than the one we're using now. It will feature a faster CPU, better GPU, and additional sensors that increase user interaction capabilities.
As we move toward the next generation of consoles, the PS6 will likely focus on upgrading the CPU with more power and a faster clock speed and increasing the amount of RAM in both models. The goal should be to keep it competitive with what is currently available or better and reduce or eliminate any potential latency issues.
The PS6 would be the most advanced gaming console, with improved technology and hardware to deliver a more immersive experience.
The next-generation PlayStation will reportedly be smaller and lighter than its predecessor, with a new design that borrows elements from the current Xbox One and PS4.
Similar to the PS5's minimalist design, expect Sony to go in a different direction with its next console, given that it is considering including virtual reality capabilities but will most likely not launch with a mobile headset. More importantly, Sony plans on making PS6 backward compatibility and ensuring that every game you own works across platforms, so either of those limits keeps them in.

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Major Expected Features

With the release of PlayStation 6 a few years away, Sony still has time to reflect on customer feedback and implement changes accordingly. The PlayStation 5 is a very popular console, but some improvements can be made. The next-generation PlayStation console should have a few things we'd like to see.
The following are some of the major expected features in the upcoming Playstation 6:

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Storage enhancements

As gaming technology advances rapidly, expanding internal storage is becoming increasingly necessary. The PlayStation comes with a decent amount of internal storage.
Currently, Sony is working on releasing an update that could make it possible to use expandable storage. By removing the side panel, you can add your SSD. However, this has some drawbacks.
You will need a new drive to be inserted that meets or exceeds the specifications of the NVMe SSD that the PlayStation 5 uses. Since these SSDs are expensive, expanding storage is a rather complex process.
External storage options are also popular among gamers to offset this issue. However, they, too, have problems. Third-party external storage can't use the PlayStation 5's full power. This means that you're more likely to experience lag and latency issues.

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Bluetooth Audio Support

The PS5 is one of the latest consoles available today. You'd have to use a USB dongle if you wanted to use Sony headphones for gaming in 2022. Sony should have improved console quality-of-life.
The headset must be plugged into a PlayStation 5 console to be used. This is very jarring to the eyes and could be a better solution.
It is disappointing that Sony did not incorporate Bluetooth audio support into the console. However, we expect the PlayStation 6 to come with this capability when it is released.

Better User Interface

With the PS6, we would like to see some of the PS5's flaws ironed out in the UI. It's difficult to navigate the PlayStation Store, especially when it comes to finding sales, finding friends, and organizing a party isn't as simple as it was on the PS4, and - to top it off - even finding the 'off' button is a pain.
We found the PS4 UI to be more accessible to use, even though it still needed an update. We hope PS6 will strike a balance between futuristic and accessible design.

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Smaller design

There is no denying that the PS5 is tall. It is obvious to anyone who looks at it, regardless of where it is placed in your room. If that is a problem, then another smaller console is available.
PS6 is likely to become smaller - and it probably will. We expect a smaller one, giving you more room for your other items.

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Wireless Charging

Despite the PlayStation 5's behemoth size, the PlayStation 5 comes with a wireless charging dock for its Dual Sense controllers. This extra dock adds clutter next to the TV.
As an alternative, Sony could design the PlayStation 6 so that placing the controller on top of the console initiates wireless charging. This technology is already common in smartphones so it could be integrated into Sony's consoles.
Sony might not be necessary to designate the charging area exclusively for controllers. If compatible, it could also charge smartphones or headsets.


The PlayStation 6 is a console that plenty of gamers and technology fans have been waiting for, and rumors about this device have persisted for many years, but has Sony truly been hatching plans for the PS6's future? It certainly seems that way!
Only time will tell how the gaming world reacts to these new PS6 rumors. Still, one thing is certain: Sony wants to stay on top in an industry where technological innovation has become a must, and offering a PlayStation 5 that's better than previous iterations would help.
Fortunately, many similar elements are coming between the PS5 and PS6. Sony may utilize some of these features to save more time - and develop the controller better. It's still being determined at this point how good the PS6 will be and if it can truly compete with the best consoles (such as Xbox One X or Nintendo Switch).
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